Saturday, April 12, 2008

come on Phil

As we watch the Masters on tv it is raining steadily outside, Liv is babysitting, andy is at a movie and mom, dad, marky and I are enjoying a day of golf thru the boob tube. The chops are ready to go on the grill and i am on my first cosmo. Jack is in da hoouuuse! Phil Mickelson is making a move and the lefty is comin on strong. Mark slept thru the night (me too,(no surprise)) and he had a good morning nap. His war wounds are healing and his lungs expanding from the collapse of the right one on tuesday. God is so good.

1 comment:

Karen said...

God is good and being positive and active speeds up recovery time. Keep up the good work Mark and Jen!!! Chemo can be rough, take it one day at a time. You are surrounded by love and prayers!!! We love you both Nickie and Karen