We are in the home stretch. Five chemo cycles complete and one more in three weeks. We just got home and I just set Marky Mark up with the king size bed and a king size Reeses blizzard. After talking with the oncologist today, we learn the tumors have indeed decreased in size by about 70%. After the final cycle on aug. 8th, they will do another CT scan. We are not really sure what we want to see then. If there is absolutely NO change, that could be a good thing. Meaning, the cancer was gone on the last scan and only dead cells or scar tissue remain. If it continues shrinking, that is good but means it is not completely gone. We hope these last two cycles kills the rest of the cancer cells. Basically, he told us the next 5 years will be uncertain because they will not call you cured until the 5 year mark. They will continue to do regular CT scans every few months and we will breath a sigh of relief after each one comes back unchanged. We continue to be optimistic and full of hope. The cumulative effects of chemo are quite harsh and Mark is a survivor. His glass remains half full. The kids continue to thrive and will head back to school on aug. 11th. I had a great visit with my sister Ali last weekend. She came to supply an arsenal of laughs and cosmos. I head to Boston at the end of the month for her husband's 40th bday celebration. Girl's weekend looks to be on in November in Des Moines. Our families continue to be a source of strength for us. Thank you all for your love and prayers.
I'm so glad the 5th round is over and went as planned! Yes, just one more to go!! My love and prayers continue for the whole family.
Love you,
Mark, What a survivor!!!! Taking each Chemo hit like a champ!!! 5 cycles under your belt and still facing the world with your head high. You truely make this all look so easy. I know that there have been peaks and valleys along the way, but with each one you seem to make this all about a new way to approach life. I know you don't view the world in the same way as you did when this all started. I am so interested to learn about those ways to help myself and my patients. You are wrapped in our hugs and prayers. Love Karen and Nickie
Glad things are going well.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as always. Keep getting better and I PRAY that at your next CT scan it will all be gone. That will cause for a HUGE Celebration!!!
I'd love to see you all if you ever come back east (to VA)
Love you all
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