Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New pics 5/7/08

5/7/08 Cycle 2, Day 1
Dr. Evil
"My dad's bald, nice."


Anonymous said...

Mark, You amaze me!!! You are strong and ready for round two of post chemo ups and downs. Looking as charming as ever. The only thing you need now is Andyman to shave his head and you can be Dr Evil and mini me!!! Don't forget the hugs, the laughter, the prayers in sadness and joy, sunshine, and activity and you will have the recipe for the new and ever improving Marky Mark. You are wrapped in love and prayers. Karen and Nickie

Mark said...

Please ignore and do not link to the previous comment from tygogal, which is a bogus security threat warning. Thanks. Mark

Anonymous said...

Partner: I wondered what had happened to Goldfinger! Now I know! Mary says you look like Yul Brynnr! (We're old, you know!)

Looks better off. Hope you have a decent weekend. Praying for you daily. I'll check in with you the first of next week. Hang tough!

Anonymous said...

OH YAH! That's what I'm talking about. You have now joined the brotherhood of "skin heads." We must stick together, you know. Think of the money saved at the barbershop.
I know that you are progressing and I am overwhelmed by your positive approach to all of this "inconvenience". This too shall pass and you will be back stronger than ever.

PS. Those of us in the brotherhood of skin heads get told often that our ears seem to have grown. Watch out for sunburn on those ears and the pate.
