Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well, round 3 is over and done. Everything went well. I can't believe we are at the mid point of the treatment. In 3 weeks we will have the fourth treatment and then they will do another CT scan to see what the size of the tumors are after chemo. The oncologist seems confident that there will be major shrinkage. ( not the George Costanza kind) 10 days ago was a rough 6 days for Mark. We ended up going in for fluids and BP issues. His white blood cell count got down to zero and we got a little nervous when he spiked a fever of 100. At 100.4 we have to take him into the hospital for IV antibiotics. It never got above 100 so we dodged that bullet. We think now that he has lost 20 lbs. he may no longer need his blood pressure medicine and that is what was making it so low and him so light headed. He got the OK to get off of it and hopefully that will fix the problem.

Mark is heading to his parents tomorrow for some pampering from his mom and dad. The kids are so excited because they each get to have kids overnight during the weekend. I have been like a dictator about having anyone in the house and this will be a nice reprieve for them. Since the basement is now finished, it's much more comfy down there. We will have seven 13 yr. old girls tomorrow night and seven 15 and 16 yr. olds saturday night at Casa de Costner. I guess I need to get more pancake mix.

Only 5 more days of school left this year. It has gone by quickly as usual. It is actually a break for me because I can let up on the homework and study nagging for 10 weeks. That gets exhausting. I hope you all have fun plans for the summer and thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.



Anonymous said...

What a whirlwind of emotions and physical challenges you guys are going through. I guess it is time to sit back and be thankful for each other your close families and your friends. When you put all of that together you get an extremely strong fighting force that will take you to a new normal place in your life. A place without lymphoma!!! Mark, How many people can say they have it all? I know you can!!! Know as these effects of the chemo accumulate in your system and you feel the force of the drugs working in you to shrink and destroy these tumors that the people around you love you no matter what!!! All of these effects are temporary and they are all to help you get beyond the rise to that perfect fishing place. Be thankful for the little things and use that sense of humor you and Jen are noted for. Be strong and listen to your body when it needs to rest. Be re energized by the sun laugh laugh laugh and hug hug hug you are 1/2 way there my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are wrapped in love and prayers!!! Love Karen and Nickie

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to mention to Livie Andy and Jen it is very good luck to rub the head of a bald man, gently. Follow that by a kiss for good luck!!!! Karen

Rock On said...

Wow and wow guys. I too can't believe you've reached the midway point in this vision of hell but man, half way!! Karen said it best (and I must say I was impressed with her elloquence) as hard as it must be in the present both physically and mentally it truly is temporary. I have a feeling after all of this is done you will be one of the healthiest men alive, I do know you both are blessed with so much love around you and you have our continued prayers as always. Jen, I have much pancake mix over here so call when you need it. Have Livie call when the party girls are ready to come and play in the hot tub! Love to you and the kids....Maria and Kevin and Nicholas too! Mark, Nicholas recently keeps asking if he can see you. He says "go say Hi to Marky?" I tried to tell him that Jen says no but he doesn't get it! Jen, you are the still the "nut" queen to my little guy as I can't get him to stop that association!

Anonymous said...

HEY GUYS....Hopefully the reaction will be a little less this time because you already know what to expect. Mark ...have a great visit with your folks and say Hi for Judy and me.
Good luck with the sleep overs!

Love Ya,


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark & Jen:
Glad you were able to get off the BP medication and glad you are starting to feel a little better. My prayers are always with you guys during this time. Trust me I know what you all are going through.
Glad Andy and Olivia will be able to have some friends over this weekend while Mark gets some TLC from Mom and Dad. :-)
Don't know how you'll do it Jen.
Guess that's something I'll learn how to do later in life with kids.

Thinking about the 4 of you as always. Love you! Kendra