Wednesday, April 9, 2008

out of intensive care

Hi guys,

Mark has been moved out of ICU and into a regular room. they took out his chest tube which was really uncomfortable for him and continues to hurt. The morphine drip helps and lets him sleep. I left him an hour ago to get some lunch and just checked on him and he is still sleeping. I thought I could update the blog. He actually said he was in no rush to leave today so we will probably stay one more night. We certainly feel all of the love and prayers from all of you. We had the chaplain come say a prayer over us last night when things were rougher and it was so calming for both of us. Mark repeated himself so much yesterday because of all the drugs but seems to remember some of what was said. When he called me this morning on my way to the hospital he said, "did you know I am in intensive care?" funny. Not anymore baby, we are on the mend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, Partner. Now you have 2 new holes, one above and one below. Let's hope that does it for now!

Sounds like Jen's parents are taking good care of you guys. Inlaws CAN be a good thing!

You are in my prayers daily and will continue to be until this thing is beaten.

Take care, pal, and keep in touch.