From what I can see so far, I think it's going to be easier to navigate cancer than it is the world of blog. I've finally entered "the Site". I think I'm posting now. I definitely have blogophobia (fear of all things related to a blog, blogging, etc). Does everybody read this?
Scott and I both agree you look mahvelous in your bio pic, very rugged, manly.
Definitely, magazine cover material. You should consider that pic for the jacket cover on the book.
It's Saturday, the sun just came out and we are home from the Big Apple Circus. Scott's on his way to join Charlie at Camp Squanto for the rest of the weekend. Charlie left Friday after school, 43 degrees and raining...hard. They went down to do some service work on the trails, in the rain. Charlie was also in charge of leading the campfire program. He decided to wait until an hour before he was supposed to go to start packing. I wasn't going to bail him out of this one. So, he packs and I drop him off. As you can guess, the phone rings 20 minutes later. "Mom...I forgot my hiking boots...and I forgot my papers for the campfire program." And you would like---me---to---? He follows up with, "could you read me the skits over the phone and I'll copy them down?" Oh sure son, you use 20 minutes on someone's cell phone while writing down word for word some skit. "Sorry Charlie, you are on your own, pal." Scott is listening in the background, screaming, "I told you specifically not to forget your campfire program!!! Yeah, it wasn't pretty.
That's more than enough blogging for my first time. Was I supposed to ask how you're doing?
Love you all. Stay strong.
It's teen boy syndrome. The world exitst only for their consumption. You/we live only as a distraction until/unless we can contribute to their drive toward self-fulfillment. Carry on. Love ya.
boy, I wouldn't know anything about this sort of egocentric behavior. that must really be hard for you!
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